Cut with the kitchen knife—

Artists: Christian Capurro Deborah Kelly Elizabeth Gower Heather Shimmen Joan Ross Mandy Gunn Nicholas Mangan Simon Evans Stuart Ringholt

Cut with the kitchen knife surveyed the current manifestations of collage in contemporary art; a movement which takes as its starting point the absurdist collages arising from the highly influential Dadaist movement of the early twentieth century.

Less concerned with addressing the problems of the picture plane and more those of an existential nature, works on paper were selected from contemporary Australian and international artists who traverse the surface, relay absurdisms and reorganise obsessive collections.

Featuring works by artists including Christian Capurro, Simon Evans, Elizabeth Gower, Mandy Gunn, Deborah Kelly, Nicholas Mangan, Stuart Ringholt, Joan Ross and Heather Shimmen, Cut with the kitchen knife explored the use of collected material; arranging and reordering as a means of interacting with, and thus shaping, the physical world.

Listen to some related audio here.

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